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A Covenant for Our Life Together
at The Church of the Good Shepherd



Recognizing that a covenant is not our idea but God’s idea, and that His Spirit wants to guide us, we make this covenant. A covenant is a set of agreed upon guidelines that people commit to follow. It allows the congregation to better support and hold each other accountable around a healthy and timely communication and behavior process. We honor and affirm each other as people created in God’s image. Our goal is reconciliation and restoration.

Therefore, we encourage each other to strive to:


  • Pray for and with one another on behalf of the church and be Christlike.

  • Show respect.

  • Show kindness.

  • Be honest.

  • Have a positive outlook.

  • Speak with others, not about others.

  • Deal with issues immediately and offer forgiveness.

  • Seek first to understand before you seek to be understood: actively listen to others before you speak.

  • Maintain confidentiality in personal and professional matters. 

  • Follow and support the channels of responsibility and authority and communicate appropriately.


Each person in the congregation is encouraged to remind others of our commitment.

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